Prerequisites and installation
StormVue V3.x
NexStorm version 1.9 or later
Minimum: Windows 8
Recommended: Windows 10 or 11
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8
Visual C++ x86 2015-2022 Redistributable package
Framework and support libraries download links
StormVue Data Server V3.1: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 Runtime
StormVue Data Server V3.1: Visual C++ x86 2015-2022 Redistributable package
New installation
Download the setup file from the product info page and double-click it to install the Data Server V3.1 and StormVue GEN-3 web display client on your local disk. For setting up the web display client for online use, please see relevant help documentation on this website.
Although not strictly necessary, it is useful to have some previous knowledge of HTML, understand the basic principles of how websites work as well as a rudimentary understanding of concepts like JSON, PHP, HTTP and FTP.
Introductions to: HTML JSON PHP HTTP FTP
A website or web server with FTP or PHP support is required to host StormVue GEN-3 web application.
For isolated intra-net use, a local web server can be set up for the purpose and StormVue Data Server File copy option used for transferring data. The web server can run on the same PC as NexStorm or another PC accessible on the LAN. We recommend uWamp which is simple to set up and includes Apache webserver with PHP support out of the box.