Important notes
Screenshots in this online help documentation
Application screenshots may be from different versions of the software with certain labels containing text that does not reflect the current version. Generally this should not cause any confusion about an actual feature but if you find anything that appears to be completely off the mark then please let us know via the contact page.
We recommend that for editing HTML code that you use a text editor with syntax highlighting.
One of the most popular such editors is the free Notepad++:
For editing JSON files, the best option is to use an online JSON editor:
In the JSON configuration for the StormVue GEN-3 web app, colors are provided in RGB hexadecimal notation. Each color must begin with '0x'.
Red 0xFF0000
Green 0x00FF00
Blue 0x0000FF
Cream puff 0xFFEDA9
In the JSON configuration for StormStation 5 NGX colors are provided as a function containing an RGB triplet
Red rgb(255,0,0)
Green rgb(0,255,0)
Blue rgb(0,0,255)
Cream puff rgb(255,237,169)
Certain parameters such as transparency (alpha) or scaling expects values between 0.0 and 1.0. This is equal to 0-100% where 0% is fully transparent while 100% is opaque.
Geographical coordinates
Geographical location coordinates are always provided in Decimal Degrees format.
Example: Lat/Lon for Malaga, Spain is 36.7183 -4.4202
Note that in the southern hemisphere (Australia, New Zealand etc.) you must prefix the latitude with a minus sign.
If you live west of the Greenwich meridian (USA, Canada, some Western parts of Europe) you prefix the longitude with a minus sign.
If you are unsure about your location coordinates you can try finding them by searching for your home address on Bing maps. Bing maps will provide geographical location coordinate data in the correct Degrees Decimal format for each searched location: